Golf Performance

The basic facts

Fundamentally, golf is an easy target game. You are surrounded by nature, walking on green manicured surfaces. You hit a ball at a target, find the ball and hit it again until you eventually put the ball into the ultimate target, "the hole".

So why is it often said to be the hardest game to master?

The answer is simple - the mind.

Understanding some basic principles and techniques will enable players to unlock their true golfing abilities

Mind full or mindful golf?

Everyday life has changed dramatically in the past forty years with the advent of the internet, mobile phones and social media. People are available 24/7 and are being subjected to a constant barrage of information and relentless demands on their attention. 

This change of lifestyle has lead to the increased brain activity, elevated levels of stress and burnout. Recent studies show that as a result of this increased stimulation, the brain activity of the average person today is that of a schizophrenic in the 1950s.

Instead of having a 'mind full', on the verge of exploding, the introduction of mindfulness practices will help to delivery some much needed calm, clarity and wellbeing, placing people in an ideal position to perform to their potential.

The way forward

Understand and utilise the following concepts and transform your performance both on and off the course:

  • Mindfulness
  • Gratitude
  • Acceptance
  • Intention
  • Attention
  • Attitude
  • Stable confidence
  • Green vs Red mindset
  • Emotional control
  • Power of journaling
  • Pre and post shot practices
  • Course management

Free your mind, play your best

After an initial session of questioning and feedback, we will work together to identify the key areas that need to be looked at and draw up a program best suited to achieve those gains.

There are no quick fixes or magic wands to wave that will make change happen overnight. We golfers carry ingrained, deep seated ideas, beliefs and habits that take time and discipline to change.

There is no technical swing instructions here, there is way too much of that readily available, a lot of which is actually causing confusion and as such restricting golfers. This is finding the way to access your body's abilities and take your best natural performance from the range to where it matters - the golf course

What's on offer?

There are several options open to anyone committed to improving their performance:

  • One to one sessions - initial work to be done on the range, but majority of the time will be where it really matters - on the course.
  • Distance learning - via skype or zoom.
  • Workshops - one day workshops that cover lots of theory and allows for interaction in the groups. Aimed at both coaches and players alike.
  • Evening sessions at your club - covering a couple of key aspects that people can work on and a great way to bring some much needed income behind the bar.
  • Society or corporate days - bring something different to your golf day by including a session on golf performance

Interested in golf performance?

I'm here to help!

Want to take your game to higher levels? Don't put it off to tomorrow, take the first step to become the best you can be.

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